We did it!
We crossed the Gulf. We left Carrabelle about 3 PM on Thursday, sailed all night and arrived in the little fishing village of Steinhatchee about 9 AM Friday morning. Other than dodging crab pots all night, the crossing was uneventful. We sailed until about midnight when the wind slacked off, then motored the rest of the way. By about 2 in the morning the Gulf was like glass.
We stocked the cockpit with sandwiches, coffee and energy drinks. We took turns cat napping while the other steered. We had a portable FM radio with us tuned to a TV station. We listened to Letterman, and the late night shows to help us stay alert.
Now we're really tired and are planning a few days rest and waiting for good weather to move on down the coast. There are white caps out today, so we don't want to try our next passage. Our next stop will be Crystal River, about 75 miles from here. That will be another overnighter, so we really need to rest up.
Here are a couple of pics of the crossing - a Gulf sunset and a Gulf sunrise.
Congratulations on the crossing !.
Sounds like the new Joly Rodger is working,:)
Lynette & Allen Lofland
The yacht "Earendil"
Enjoy Crystal River. It among my favorites on the west coast. Right alongside Venius, Tarpon Springs, and Ft Meyers Beach. Enjoy!
JJ & Irene
Landlocked in Texas
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