Updates for January 13 & 14, 2007.
On the evening of the 12th, the Admiral and I walked from the boat to the "Dock of the Bay" restaurant (see picture this post) to hear "Endless Summer," a Buffetesque duo. They were quite good, in spite of not always remembering the lyrics. I, of course, helped them along by singing with them.
It was Ladies' night and drinks were free for the ladies. Of course, Bev had one too many vodka martinis and as a result has no memory of the evening. She did, however, manage to board the boat safely. She'll have to take my word for it.
In the morning we headed out for Appalachacola. This was to be about a 60 mile trip so we decided to take two days. We spent most of the afternoon scouting out a suitable anchorage. It was getting late in the day when we found a spot marked on the charts as "The Kink." It was really just a little jog in the "ditch" but it was wide enough that we could anchor and still leave room for any traffic to get by us. We cooked the last of our filet mignon steaks along with some potatoes and green beans, cracked a few Rolling Rocks and had a delightful, quiet evening.
In the morning we ran the last leg of the way to Appachacola. We passed another sailboat, "Spirit." They were motoring along the ditch the same as we were, but even slower, if you can imagine.
As we got near the turn off to Scipio Creek we spotted "Vagabond Gypsy," a boat we first saw at Dog River in Mobile. They were anchored out. They don't have their masts up, but still cut a striking figure on the water. The boat is all wood and has a "pirate ship" transome with multiple windows. A really neat boat.
We arrived in Appalachacola about 1:00 this afternoon. As we approached the marina someone called out from the shore "Is that a Bolger AS-29?" After we landed, they walked over and spent some time chatting with us and asking all sorts of questions about the boat. Bev gave them the tour.
Here are a few pics of the last 2 days. And no, the picture of the trees is not upside down. It's the reflection in the water. If you look very closely, you can see a jet contrail between the trees.
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