Well it's 2007, January (I think) about 10:00 in the morning and the alcohol that occupied so much of my bloodstream last night has finally metabolized enough that I can stand, sort of.
As planned we went to LuLu's last night to ring in the New Year. The band was "Wet Willie," a Southern Rock group along the idea of Alabama or Lynard Skynard. They we good and had the whole house rockin'. (And LuLu's is a BIG place to when it rocks, it ROCKS!)
We met a new couple - don't ask me their names, those are lost in a fog somewhere in my brain. We were waiting at the bar for a table to become available when they offered to let us share theirs. So Bev and I, Billy and Sandy (from "Misconception") and two of their friends all crowded into a 4-seat table. We dragged chairs from everywhere to get 8 seats around the table.
Our server, Christian, was a hoot and kept the drinks and food flowing. (That's him in the purple hair.) At midnight he brought flutes of champagne around for us to drink a New Year's toast.
Today is a day to recover, tomorrow we'll make preparations to get under way, then stop in at LuLu's one last time to hear Brent Burns, the local "Buffettesque" singer/songwriter. Wednesday, we're off to an anchorage at either Ingram Bayou or Pirate's Cove. From their, it's points east as we make our way along the coast of Florida. Wish us luck as part of that section of the trip will involve a 90 mile overnight crossing of the Gulf from Carrabelle to Steinhatchee.
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