We're starting to get settled in here in Marathon. Bev started work last week and I put in an application at the hospital. If I get the job, fine. If not, that's OK too.
Last Sunday we took a walk up to the Crane Point Nature Center. Our new friends Mike and Judy from "Papillion" joined us. We met them up in Goodland and they sailed their 25' MacGreggor down here from Naples. Their first crossing of Florida Bay was a lot like ours. Their second was much worse.
On the return trip across the Bay, they set out at 6:30 PM with the idea that the wind would be lighter at night. Wrong! About 15 miles out a pin failed on their forestay and the mast came crashing down. Fortunately no one was hurt and Mike was able to save the mast and sails. They motored back to Marathon Boat Yard and had the rigging repaired. A friend drove down with their truck and trailer and they trailered the boat home.
Hate to say it, but "Glad it wasn't us."
The day at Crane Point was a much better experience. We saw some rescued birds including an osprey, a falcon and a hawk. There were butterflies and lots of exotic plants and trees. We even saw a couple of parrothead fish in the lagoon by the point.
I've posted some pictures of Crane Point and a pic of Bev piloting the dinghy on her own. She's getting pretty good at it.
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