Here are a couple of great pictures of Walkure "on the ball" in old Boot Key Harbor. The daytime pic was taken by the crew of Papillion, and the sunset pic was sent to us by Bob and Joanne on "RadioWaves." Thanks folks.
I've also included a pic of "Papillion" after the dismasting on Florida Bay.
Also in this batch is a picture of "Luna," a highly modified "Bolgeresque" boat with a junk rig. The basic design is similar to the AS-29, but Luna is 31 feet, with external leeboards and 3 masts instead of 2. The "doghouse" over the galley is farther aft and the interior layout is quite different. It does make for an interesting boat.
Glad you are enjoying Marathon. Were the photos of LUNA taken in Alaska? Is that where she still is? Inquiring minds want to know....
Yes, LUNA is still in Alaska. Dave and Anke live on LUNA and cruise full time, year round in the waters off southern Alaska. (Yeah, they cruise Alaska in WINTER! Yikes!)
The last I heard, they were thinking about selling LUNA and building a bigger boat.
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