We finally made it to the Internet Cafe with the laptop, so here are some pictures from our visit here in Key West.
From top to bottom:
1)With a storm blasting away outside, Barney and I take a break from fighting the weather and have a little chat.
2)At the "drag races" the MC leads the contestants through the obstacle course they have to run.
3)In the "pits" at the "drag races."
4,5,6) Some shots of the KW waterfront with the schooner fleet in port, and the schooner "Western Union" now returned from major repairs in Miami.
7)A spectacular evening sky over the anchorage.
8)A rainbow. The remarkable thing is that this rainbow last for over an hour. If you look closely, you will see there is a second, fainter rainbow just to the left of the bright one.
9)The sailing vessel "Legacy." She was dismasted and put hard aground during hurricane Wilma in Oct 2005. After over 2 years of fighting with authorities for permits to free her, the owner finally got her afloat a few weeks ago. She is a 158' megayacht, built in Italy by Perini Navi at a cost of over $30 million. She will now be transported back to Italy for a refit. I guess it's nice to have money.
10)Eat your hearts out folks, we get a sunset like this almost every night.
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