Yesterday, we took a bike ride around the entire island. Including stops at each of the beaches it took about 2 hours. Now we know where all the "modern" stores are: Home Depot, Publix, etc. They're all clustered just north of the airport, probably a 20 minute bike ride from the marina.
We also bought an engine for the dingy. I hadn't planned on spending the money, but now we will be able to anchor out more and save marina fees. It should pay for itself.
Last night we had dinner at "Pepe's," the oldest eatery on the island. It was Hemmingway's favorite place to eat and it's still about the same as it was in his day. Then we had a few beers at Kelly's, met some great people (even some from NY and NJ) and then walked over to Schooner Wharf for the "Lowering of the Wench."
Each New Year's Eve the crew of the schooner "Liberty Clipper" dress up like pirates, winch a wench to the top of the mast then lower her to the deck in time with the final count down to the new year. It is billed as "second only to New York's Times Square." Well, that's a bit much, but it was fun.
This morning we're back at the Coffee Plantation enjoying the best coffee on the island.
The weather is expected to change today as a strong cold front approaches. They're predicting winds of 25 to 30 with gusts to gale force and temps dipping to the 40's! Just our luck - the coldest it's been here in years!
1 comment:
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . Um abraço.
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