What a busy week!
Friday afternoon we took some new friends, Mitchell and Laurie, out for a sail. It was his first time sailing and he expressed surprise at the slow speed. (Hey, he was used to power boats, so 4 knots seems slow to him.) Sorry Laurie, for some reason we didn't get you in any of the pictures.
Friday evening we went to the theater in Gulfport to see the Summer One-Acts. These were 8 short plays written, produced, directed and acted by local people. The stage manager, David, took us back stage to see some of our old friends from Scapino.
The plays were all very well done. Some were funny, others poignant.
Bev and I tried out for some "extra" roles in a documentary being filmed in Ybor City next month. It is about Charlie Wall, a gangster from the 20's and 30's. He was known as the "King of Bolita," a type of "power-ball" that was popular, but constantly rigged.
Yesterday, we had a visit from Mike and Phyllis. They are contemplating building a boat to go cruising and the AS-29 is on their list of possibilities. We took them on the tour of the boat and answered their questions about the boat and the cruising life. They took us down to the Pier for lunch at The Columbian. It was a real treat, the food was terrific, the company great and the view fabulous.
This morning I got a call from my ex, Judi, who told me that she is bringing Chandra over to stay for a few days. This will give me some time to get to know my granddaughter a little better and maybe teach her a little bit on the guitar.
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