Well now, that's more like it. We splashed the boat this morning and she floats very nicely on her newly painted lines. Also, the temps are near 80 degrees, the sun is shining and Santa can finally go barefoot! (Come on now, funny red hat, white beard - who else would it be?)
Also, here's a pic of the captain trying out the new tiller extension that allows steer from a comfortable, relaxed position in the shade of the new pilot house.
She looks good back in the water. You made the turn around much faster than I ever did or will.
If you go into Bayou Chico in Pensacola, be sure to look up John Camarotto (not sure how he spells his last name) at Browns Marine. He lives on a Pearson 36 and loves to sail. I lost my cell phone or I would give you his number. Tell him to change the last 2 digits from 19 to 20 and he will have Irene's number and give us a call.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
JJ & Irene - Land Locked in Texas
We were a little under the gun to get the boat back in the water - the marina staff is taking time off for the holidays and Wednesday was the last day for the lift for 3 weeks. So we had to "git-r-done."
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