Well, I just completed another cruise on Yankee. Again, we had a great group of scouts and had a great time, in spite of the rather chilly weather.
If you take a look at the ticker on the bottom of the blog page you'll see that we have now passed 50,000 hits! WOW! I had no idea when I started this blog that we would ever reach that number. Cool!
Bev's sister Chris was here on Walkure for about a week. It was good for Bev to have some company while I was gone. Yankee stopped in Key West for the day on Tuesday and Bev and Chris took the bus down to visit. We had wings at Kelly's and I bought a copy of the "Top Gun Cookbook." Now at last I will learn the secret of Kelly's Jerk sauce!
For those who may be worried that we suffer from a lack of culture here in the Keys, while Chris was here we took her to see a live production of "Guys and Dolls" at the community theater, and the Marathon Seafood Festival starring our buddy Howard Livingston. (This Saturday, Howie will be releasing his new CD and we will be heading down to Boondocks for the CD release party.)