We're now in Venice, taking a little break in our trip. Pat and Peter, Bev's friends, are letting us stay for a couple of days in the resort condo they manage.
We've been traveling up the coast slowly because of the daily round of thunderstorms. We've decided to travel only in the morning and be safely tucked into an anchorage by the time the t-storms get started. So far, it's a plan that's working well.
After our stop in Goodland (see the pics of "Spammy Jammy") we worked our way up the coast to Boca Grande. We had a good time there on our way down to the Keys, but this time we were disappointed. Everything was closed. So we moved on to Englewood where there is a nice anchorage. We got to see fireworks on the Fourth. The fireworks were all over the place - we didn't know which way to look as the fireworks were all around us. The anchorage was also a short dinghy ride from a nice restaurant called the "White Elephant." We had a good meal and a few drinks there.
Now we are just a few more days from Julie and Tim's. We should be there by next weekend.