Bev's been working at the hospital while I've been busy getting the boat ready for the long haul up the coast. It's about 1500 miles from here to New York and we are planning only 5 or 6 weeks for the trip, so that's a lot of stress on the boat (and us.) So...We took the mast down to sand and varnish it (and check for leaks in the forward bulkhead) and I'm tearing the galley apart to make room for a refrigerator. Yes, we've finally gotten tired of buying (or making) ice and are biting the bullet and adding refrigeration.
It's not all work, however. We did take a break and spend some time on the beach, went snorkeling on the reef, etc. Last week we saw a live production of "Cactus Flower" and last night we went to the movies to see the new Indiana Jones picture. The movie theater here is quite different. Instead of the usual Theater seating, it was set up like a dinner theater with tables and chairs. This made it feel more like watching a movie at home - except for the HUGE screen.