Well, we've been busy.
We had another visit by the local osprey, who seems to like to rest at the top of Tom's mast.
Bev's been going to school to get her certificate as a phlebotomist. She finished her classroom studies on Tuesday and started her clinical externship at the VA hospital today.
After class on Tuesday, two of her classmates came by the boat for a cookout.
Last weekend, the Pasadena Marina crowd had another of our famous dock parties. Over beer, pork shoulder, rice, eggplant, etc, etc, etc. we discussed plans for a fleet passage to the Keys in November. So far, 3 boats are tentatively planning the trip, including us.
We also had a couple of visits from some manatees. They like to come into the marina to drink from a fresh water spring at the shore side end of the dock.
Rehearsals for "Scapino" are going well. It's really starting to shape up. This week all of the actors went "off book," meaning we can't carry our scripts on stage during rehearsal. We're still at the stage where we can't quite remember all our lines, so the assistant direct will call them out to us when we forget. By next week, it will all come together. We move the set from the rehearsal hall to the theater next Thursday, and then start dress rehearsals the following weekend. May 10 is opening night. Wow, it's not that far away.