Sorry I haven't updated lately. It's a rough life, lounging around the pool, drinking margaritas, etc.
Saturday we went out on the Gulf for a few hours with our next-door neighbor, Phil, on his Catalina 30. It was a beautiful day, not too hot and with a light breeze.
We've been exploring the area on our bikes. (Did I mention we bought a pair of folding bikes?) We've been to the beach and generally all over town, getting the lay of the land.
Sunday evening we had our friend Tom over for dinner. Tom is a guy from Oklahoma who just bought a boat and wants to sail to the islands. We're worried about him as he has no sailing experience and his boat is very old and in rotten shape. He's determined to leave this week. He'll need a lot of luck so everybody cross your fingers, say a prayer, whatever, for Tom.
After dinner, Tom and I jammed with our guitars for a while.
Last night we went to Gulfport where I auditioned for a part in the upcoming play, "Scapino." I made the "call back" list and so I have to go back tonight. So far, it looks like I'm in the running for the lead part. At the very least, I think I will get a part, if not the lead.
I've also been working on designing a wind-powered self-steering gear for the boat. If I can get it to work, it will make a crossing directly from here to the Keys a lot easier. I did some research and found a way to use the mizzen sail as a wind vane, linked to the tiller, to provide "hands off" steering without using the autopilot (which uses electricity and doesn't compensate for wind shifts.) Since we'll be staying here for a while, I'll have time to build and test it. A direct crossing from here to the Keys will take nearly 2 full days, so hands-off steering will make the crossing possible.
By the way, for all our family and friends up north - it's been in the mid 70's and sunny nearly every day here. Shorts and sandals every day.
As the song says:
"They've traded in their winter coats
for bathin's suits and shades."*
*from "Same Boat" by Eric Stone