The buyers were to have signed the contract on the house yesterday. My lawyer should be getting the papers today or tomorrow for me to sign. If all goes well, the closing should be "no later than June 1."
On another front, I was at the marina last weekend installing the new head. It's done except for the through-hull for the intake. The parts should be arriving today or tomorrow, so I will install that on Friday. Then a little scrubbing on the hull, top off the oil in the engine and the boat will be ready to launch.
I've also ordered some "nanotech" paint which is supposed to block heat flow. I'll try it on the interior of the hull. We'll see if it works. It should help keep the cabin cooler when the sun hits the dark exterior.
I also ordered an autopilot. I will be single handing this journey, so having an automatic helmsman will be very helpful.
I have to do a little touching up on the brightwork around the companionway and on the mast, but that can be done after launch.
It looks like I will be launching May 15. My last day of work (ever?) will be May 12. Once the boat is in the water, I will be moving on board and cleaning out the house. Once I'm settled in on the boat and the house is sold, there's nothing holding me back. Wow! It's finally happening.